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We are what we think & my blog entries reflect how I think. Have a sip of the poison of my mind.. It's not always lethal.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Quickie: A Peek At How I Blog With My Galaxy Note 8.0

I'm usually long-winded but.. Ready? Commencing quickie, so let's do this in a hurry:

If I condense my thoughts regarding crafting out my blog posts in their entirety using my Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet in just one single photo, it's this (you can click on it to bloat it up if you need to):

Everybody already knows the old saying about how a picture speaks a thousand words but in my case here though, I didn't get that ambitious. As you can see, I only used exactly 10 words but they do the job adequately in conveying the idea that the Galaxy Note 8.0 is my blogging tool of choice, I trust.

It's all about the precision of the S Pen (especially when it comes to photo editing and artwork which the S Pen works on much easier and smoother as compared to fingers) and the Multi-Windows feature that allows me to reference additional information without being jolted out of my main project and losing sight of it and becoming disorientated.

Here's a look at this particular blog post in progress on my Note 8.0:

The photo above shows how I use the multi-windows feature: the left section of the photo shows my blog draft at the top while I work on a photo at the bottom. I can resize any of the windows if I need more work space without losing reference of the other. The section on the right of the photo shows my S Note at the bottom containing the HTML tags and templates I use frequently which I can just copy and then paste into the blog draft where I need them at the top window.

Also, when I need to hunt for information using the web browser, copy URL addresses or embed YouTube videos by copying down their embed codes, I can just drag in the browser by pulling it in from the multi-window apps selection on the left.

If you don't root your Note device though, you will have no say in exactly which apps are made available for multi-windows. So an unrooted Note device evokes the control freak rebel in me and prompts me to snatch over the reins. It's my device after all, so it's my say and rightfully so. Amen.

The days of being able to blog only when in front of the computer (and aching backs) have been long gone ever since mobile tech started taking over lots of tasks from the computer. My Galaxy Note 8 is my weapon of choice when it comes to Blogger's WMD.

Besides the multi-windows, the functionalities of the S Pen is what differentiates the Note device, which lots of folks misunderstand and underestimate by not viewing it as something beyond a normal capacitive stylus: functions like Quick Command, Page Crop (which Samsung calls "Clip Tool"), as well as hover air-view, which functions just like a computer mouse on website pull-down menus and gives you visual previews on video timelines come to mind.

The powerful functions of the S Pen come not just from its tip, but also from its button, which I think most Note owners hardly or never press. I know of Note owners whose S Pens reside permanently in their silos, never ever seeing the light of day. It's a pity that for the most part, the Note device is an under-utilized device.

Anyway, when it comes to blogging, it's a breeze writing and formatting with this bad mutha. Anytime, anywhere.

And that concludes our quickie. Hope you've experienced Nerdgasm and enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And I mean literally writing out every word with the S Pen since I'm a writer-wannabe, with pen and all, cough.


ShawnGormley said...

Great Blog! I have several YouTube videos (search my username) about the Note 8 n 5100. This is the best device I have ever bought! Thanks for your input!

Little Lion said...

And thank you for the compliment, Shawn. Yup, the Note 8 is one heck of a brilliant tablet alright.