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We are what we think & my blog entries reflect how I think. Have a sip of the poison of my mind.. It's not always lethal.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fixing The Toilet Seat

The toilet seat in our kitchen's washroom came loose because one of the pivot points broke. So we bought this new seat & I had to fix it up myself. It's a shitty job but somebody's gotta do it. Never done this before but now I know how.

New Skill Set Unlocked: Fixing Toilet Seats.
XP needed for level 2: 500 experience points.

But may there never be a need for level 2.

- De Lion Speaks

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

♫ ♪ Happy Cussing ♪♫

My friend and ex-NS platoon mate by the Facebook handle of 'Happy Heng' introduced this song by Lily Allen to us and after hearing it myself, I've come to the conclusion that this song is... how shall I put this properly.. one of the happiest songs I've ever heard?

Yeah, that's it; one of the happiest. The tune is so catchy and the groove & chord progressions are so Major-Scale happy that despite the in-your-face lyrics, even my Lioness likes it.

And with every song, there will always be a live version:

And I won't mention that next to having a cute voice & accent, I think Lily Allen has such sexy lips that watching them move and pout works my imagination to the point that I can't help imagine using them as a vacuum cleaner on myself. And that's a compliment.

And you know what? As a guy, there's something seriously kinky about a babe saying or singing the words 'Fuck You' right in your face.

- De Lion Speaks